Angela Gene The social workers need to walk the camps and do some research. What if any mental illness. What if any disability. What if any money funding. What if any medication. What if any access to medical care. Do they have a pet? Do they smoke? Conclusion of why the person is there. The 80’s started the decline of social services in Oregon. Before the 80’s began the transition to residential housing. The funding was taken away. The jobs were decreased for social work and the pay rate was small. I remember a professor saying that if you were in this field for the money, get out now. The system has not been fixed nor looked at and it only continues with now pushing people from city to city, state to state.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360504&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720900

Devon Berube or are we talking about the billions of dollars that America has borrowed from countries like China and Russia. They’re giving money away to countries like Ukraine and others hoping for a higher rate of return, but they can’t pay back their debt.

You give money away and call it aid a humanitarian act, but expect the money back in return in order to pay your debts and take advantage of the situation.

The Hegelian dialectic of Politics….. create a crisis and anticipate the reaction. When the crisis reaches its climax, the manipulators will deceive the masses into believing that they are the solution to the problem

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360504&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720905

As usual CNN is dishonest and deceptive in their "news".

No one, no city is trying to punish anyone for being homeless. The issue is about WHERE they set up camps. Some places have to be off limits.

Do you want a homekess camp on your elementary school playground? And just tell the kids to step around them? Or blocking public buildings. Or taking over the parking lot of your apartment complex and you can't get to your car now, or you have to walk through them at s get home.

Restricting WHERE they can camp is reasonable. No one is trying to make homelessness illegal. But CNN wants clicks so they publish buIIshit like this.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360504&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720896

Tracy Marshall I’m not here to pick sides because truthfully speaking both Democrats and Republicans are self serving and it’s not about the American people….. don’t just look at a party affiliation look at their patterns. Are they helping the public or themselves?

At the end of the day all the politicians are all friends both Democrats and Republicans. Their public dislike for each other is about as fake as wrestling on TV. They all attended the same law schools and some even attend the same Country Clubs.

In school they use to teach us how Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin and Russia were bad people, but yet here one of our American Presidents is good friends with Vladimir Putin.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360504&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720903

We now live in a psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical world where :

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical politicians & governments ️ destroy ️ Freedom, Human Rights & Humanity.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical police , military ???? and so-called intelligence unit protect demonic power, ruling, exploitation and control systems but destroy common people's freedom, human rights and lives......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ lawyers & the judiciary destroy Justice........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ medical systems, drug industry & doctors destroy ️‍???? Health........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical education systems & universities destroy Knowledge.........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical scientists destroy Truth.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical press & media destroy ️ Information........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical religious leaders destroy Divine Revelations, Scripture & Guidances.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical ️ inhumans destroy beliefs in GOD & Grace, but they believe in devil & ️evil.......

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical businesses destroy human ️ Services........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical tax systems convert people into slaves to the demonic rulings, controlling & exploiting systems........

Psychopathic / demonic / hypocritical banking systems destroy Economic Justice.......

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360504&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720893