Mark Elder yes.. I can assure you this. We had the sign too the Jesus coming us very soon. The messiah is coming. The last big sing was last month. That in Ramadan we had both solar eclipse and lunar eclipse in the same month.
This may happened next year too.
Another sign will be a death of an important king. This should happened in one month. Again it may happened next year.
Then the other sign.. an army from the east will attack. In three months.
Jesus coming in one orctwo years max.. but for sure there will be the false messiah. So we need to be careful

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722540

Ahmed Tolba wars have consequences. In no war have civilians gone unharmed. Look at the mass bombings of entire cities by both axis and allies alike.

Palestinians elected hamas. Continue to shelter and hide hamas. Invaded israel. Still refuse to surrender. Palestinians could end this today like Biden and even the Arab nations who are clearly on Israel's side have said.

Oust hamas. Turn over their leadership. Free the hostages. This war would end today.

But the Palestinians would rather see their families suffer along with themselves than do what's morally right. And just as Germany was bombed into submission in 1944, now it's Gaza's turn.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722530

THE LEFT HATE AMERICA..... Israel was there FIRST.. ....HAMAS has ATTACKED Israel time and time AGAIN...The Last ATTACK was the Most BARBARIC in modern times and in History....Israel is PISSED...GOD HELP you attackers You poked the BEAR over and over .. now you want the BEAR to go home and Let America to fix the mess your in....NO THANKS...... What did you think would happen..... THEN ypu get IRAN to send 300 missles to try and hurt Israel LOL you UN Alived one little girl muslim Very SAD as she did nothing wrong ... GOOD LUCK ...your gunna need it.....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722525

Luther King Those checks and balances will be gone once he appoints his people to those positions. He wasn't joking. Look who he aligns himself with other dictators he even just invited them to his home. Liberal media isn't scaring me. The reality that so many of you think he is joking when he isn't scares me. You're in a cult who refuses to actually accept what he is actually planning. Non thinkers will destroy our freedoms and he has already rolled the clock backwards for women to the 1800s. He invented fake news himself and then tells you reality is fake. How pathetic. Are you following the testimony in his trial? You should be. These were his people that helped him create that fake news that you gobbled up.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722544

If some of the students protesting are foreign students, they ought to be deported for violations of university rules and regulations. They had better go back to Palestine and serve their country/state. This would apply to Jewish students too.

Students go to college to study, graduate, and secure good jobs. They should stay away from politics and war. If they still want to speak for their country at war, they had better go back and fight to serve their homeland.

American citizen students ought to stay away protests too. Otherwise, they should be arrested. In the long run, they're going to have a criminal record, which will prevent them from getting good jobs, let alone building their career.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722520

"The empire politicians & promoters of Israel’s US-facilitated war against the Palestinians are trying to sell a false narrative.

Here is the fact: US security forces are violently attacking students and professors who oppose their government’s open support for a genocidal war.

When other nations engage in violent crackdowns, the US media report it as such. When the US does it, they pretend it’s complicated or it’s different because THIS IS AMERICA.

Or they say, these are just local police, not federal forces so it’s not a US policy. Let’s be clear: the policy is support for a murderous war and to crush dissent.

The tactics on display on US campuses should be reported on by journalists the way US media report on other nations’ violence against nonviolent demonstrators. This American Exceptionalism propaganda needs to be dismantled."

- Jeremy Scahill

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722539

Dont fool us!.
” Left wing governed America” is not a trustworthy partner for other nations anymore!.
Biden far-left leaning policies directed by the antisemitic left wing of the democratic party will erode the confidence in US defense relations with other nations , and will result in weakening or even the destruction of defense industry in US.
US allies for ex. Gulf states are seeing the current decline in defense/ political relations between Israel and the US democratic adminstration as a very warning sign for them, they are saying look how US admnistration is treating Israel during an existential crisis time, and if they are doing this to what was once their ” closest ally ” during war ( threatening or calling for weapons and munition ban ) , what they will do to us ( golf states ) during war time? .
Other nations are asking this question, is it worthy to buy weapon systems ( worth billions of dollars ) from a country that will not supply us with their munitions during war time? This question will literally destroy the confidence in US defense industry, because the US is increasingly becoming an untrustworthy partner!.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722521

So how do you think Jewish protestors in Gaza would have fared? I’m sure they would discuss how complicated it is with all those Jews blocking bridges and disrupting mosque services, no?

Universities are not public spaces. They have every right to arrest people. How many protestors have been shot? How many hospitalized? How many dead? Because I’m sure it’s lower than the number of Jews that would have died protesting in Gaza. Hell, it’s probably less people than died on that fateful day in October. It’s probably even less than the number of people who died in the Iranian rocket attack.

Meanwhile, the daily rocket’s red glare of rockets being fired at Israel continues, and somehow Jews in America aren’t blocking bridges and disrupting college campuses.

The protestors get no sympathy.
The children in Gaza get sympathy, and the blame is on Hamas.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722542

Next Stop The DNC Convention

THE PLAN as I see to come in past Pro Hamas Terrorist Protests in using DIRECT ACTION.


As a tactic they could follow Joe Biden Million Dollar Fundraising Events as to the gas stations he goes to.

At the DNC Convention there will be a coordinated Pro Hamas Terrorist Protests at key road entrances, in addition inside the event.

In INFILTRATORS inside as we seen at Joe Biden events.

As a past silent protest of insider PRO HAMAS TERRORIST White House Staffers with their faces covered already showed there intent last year.

As to anti fa disguised as elite Pro Hamas Terrorist Protesters to block, disrupt and perhaps one or two dedicated self immolations.

As we seen in front of the Israeli Embassy and Trump trial. In which there will be an escalation as seen
at The 68 DNC Convention.

In which nothing is stopping this freight train on fire seeing it come.

The pattern as I see it is that The Pro Hamas Terrorist Protesters in a cause and effect.

Are aware of Corporate Media Progressive CENSORSHIP and the more the mini riots are CENSORED.

The escalation increases by Pro Hamas Terrorist Protesters.

In which no MATTER HOW MUCH The Media Censors.

It’s called encrypted technology and underground social media in communication that is used to send money and information.

This is what is happening the lunatics that are running the White House. That have been open bartending for over three years. That have been giving their underage offspring hard liquor while brain washing them.

Now the offspring want to bartend and have the keys to the car and be the driver.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722538

Could you please investigate whether Muslim/Islamic/Madras schools are teaching hatred towards Jews and Christians in America?

UNWRA has been teaching Palestinian kids to hate and fight Israel for decades

Textbooks In Pakistani Government Schools Teaching Hate Against Christians And Hindus, Jihad And Martyrdom To Young Students | MEMRI https://www.memri.org/rep...indus-jihad-and

Opinion | My madrassa classmate hated politics. Then he joined the Islamic State. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpos...45d8_story.html

Most education in the Middle East is done in madrasas that are 'hate factories' - CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2016/...asas/index.html

BBC Shows Lessons of Hate at Some Islamic Schools in Britain - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2.../23britain.html

CNN: Madrassa teaches children to hate U.S. https://youtu.be/MOcx9wLBVi4?si=DYJjfm01_wDyABtA

Teaching Antisemitism and Terrorism in Hezbollah Schools | ADL https://www.adl.org/resou...zbollah-schools

India court effectively bans madrasas in big state before election | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/w...ion-2024-03-23/

Toronto Islamic school will not face charges over anti-Jewish curriculum: police. East End Madrassa will not face charges over anti-Jewish curriculum: police | National Post https://nationalpost.com/...rriculum-police

Pakistan’s religious schools in spotlight again https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8698592

Asians take a closer look at Islamic schools - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2...ic-schools.html

Indoctrinated with hate: Palestinian schools are typical Muslim schools - JNS.org https://www.jns.org/indoc...muslim-schools/

UK Muslim school teaches that 'Jews are plotting world domination' | The Times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael...rld-domination/

Cameron vows to investigate Islamic schools teaching anti-Semitism - Jewish News https://www.jewishnews.co...-anti-semitism/

Can Ilhan Omar Overcome Her Prejudice? - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/artic...ice-11562970265


Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows | The Times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael...mps-clip-shows/

Israeli envoy: UNRWA aims ‘to indoctrinate Palestinian children to idea of destroying Israel’ https://www.timesofisrael...troying-israel/

UN schools in Gaza caught using anti-Israel textbooks http://www.foxnews.com/wo...-authority.html

Schools are teaching kids to 'feel' antisemitic https://nypost.com/2024/0...el-antisemitic/

Struggle to Control What Islamic Schools Teach - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2...ools-teach.html

Saudi school textbooks 'teach children to hate other religions' https://www.newarab.com/N...other-religions

Plans to regulate madrassas published by government - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/education-34933970

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360844&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1722527