The theory of creation, particularly as described in the Judeo-Christian tradition, presents a narrative where the male is created first, and the female is created from his rib. This narrative, found in the Book of Genesis, has been interpreted in various ways over time. However, when viewed through a modern lens, it can be argued that this narrative contains elements that perpetuate sexist and potentially racist ideologies.
One aspect of the creation story that can be seen as perpetuating sexism is the idea that the female is created as a derivative of the male. The notion that woman is created from man's rib suggests a hierarchical relationship where man is the original and woman is secondary or subordinate. This idea has been used historically to justify the subjugation of women, arguing that they are inherently inferior or less important than men.
Furthermore, the creation story can be seen as perpetuating a binary and essentialist view of gender, where there are only two distinct and fixed genders, male and female. This view excludes and marginalizes individuals who do not fit into this binary, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and limiting the expression of gender diversity.
From a racial perspective, the creation story's focus on the creation of Adam and Eve, who are often depicted as white, can be seen as promoting a Eurocentric view of humanity. This portrayal excludes and marginalizes non-white individuals, reinforcing the idea of white superiority and the erasure of diverse racial and ethnic identities.
Moreover, the creation story's narrative of Eve being created from Adam's rib has been used to justify the subjugation of women of all races and ethnicities, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and contributing to systemic inequalities.
While the theory of creation is a deeply held belief for many, it is important to critically examine its implications and consider how it may perpetuate sexist and potentially racist ideologies. By challenging these narratives and promoting more inclusive and egalitarian interpretations, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361051&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1723835

Charles made sure that Harry the traitor didn't get the king Charles May 6th 2023 ascension coronation medal because Harry relinquished his official duties and did treasonous and treacherous things against Britain, and he was stripped of his honorary military titles by Queen Elizabeth who banned him from ever representing Britain and the monarchy.

Harry didn't get coronation medal because the government didn't include those who weren't in active service when Charles ascended the throne, so he was ineligible to receive Charles coronation medal. It was Charles that excluded Harry, he didn't want him to get the medal because he abandoned his duty Read the government Statement on eligibility criteria for the coronation medals.


Charles is more ruthless than Harry could ever imagined, Harry thinks he could accuse Britain in his docuseries and still get military medals:

The Coronation Medal 2023

On 5 May 2023, the Culture Secretary announced the introduction of a Coronation Medal to recognise members of the Armed Forces, frontline emergency service workers and people actively contributing to the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, with an expected total of 400,000 recipients. In recognition of His Majesty The King’s role as Commander-in-Chief of the UK Armed Forces, members of the Defence community who meet any one of the following criteria will be awarded the Coronation Medal:

1. Serving members of the Armed Forces who have completed five full calendar years of service and were in active service on 6 May 2023.

Harry wasn't a serving or active military officer when Charles ascended the throne, because he already relinquished his duties and stripped of honorary military titles, and he didn't participate in the preparation of the coronation, he was busy on America promoting his memoir SPARE, so he wasn't eligible to get one.


Charles should ask Harry to return the late Queen's jubilee medals. He is now regretting his abdication from the monarchy, because he wants a military power that he no longer has, he retired as a captain in the army, that isn't a power in any army, that's why Harry never talks about his real rank in the army

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361051&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1723838