David Green I am Ahmed Al-Baz from the Gaza Strip. Like the families in the Gaza Strip who were affected by the war, I am trying to help my family, which is suffering from forced displacement from one area to another, and the lack of sources of income for my family. Most children are hungry, sick and without cover.
We are now in a difficult period, where life in the Gaza Strip is non-existent and we need your help.
I hope you will support me and help me support these people, so that we can provide food, drink, medicine and aid. Help us improve the conditions in the Gaza Strip in light of this hideous war.
This is the time to help us.
thanks for your support

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726471

Mamaa Abraham I am Ahmed Al-Baz from the Gaza Strip. Like the families in the Gaza Strip who were affected by the war, I am trying to help my family, which is suffering from forced displacement from one area to another, and the lack of sources of income for my family. Most children are hungry, sick and without cover.
We are now in a difficult period, where life in the Gaza Strip is non-existent and we need your help.
I hope you will support me and help me support these people, so that we can provide food, drink, medicine and aid. Help us improve the conditions in the Gaza Strip in light of this hideous war.
This is the time to help us.
thanks for your support

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726469

The war in Ukraine started when Biden became president. Zelensky is Jew. The genocide in Gaza started during his presidency. When Biden was elected I thought great back to normal statesmanship. How wrong I was and how my eyes opened to the real reality that Biden is part of this new world rules based order they call. Shame on him he calls himself a Christian. His no Christian has got blood on his hands and so does America. Remember America chose this man. What a shame America has a choice between a mad man and an old man The ones behaviour is irrational and impulsive and the other is a globalist murderous.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726463

Benjamin Leehy The Democratic and Republican Parties have not always had the same ideals that they have today. In fact, America's two dominant political parties have essentially flipped ideologies in the time since they were founded.

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828 while the Republican Party dates back to 1854.

In its early years, the Republican Party was considered quite liberal, while the Democrats were known for staunch conservatism. This is the exact opposite of how each party would be described today.

This change did not happen overnight, however. Instead, it was a slow set of changes and policies that caused the great switch.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726464

Ed Holmes Do not say that. I'm from Russia. We do not believe that Ukraine needs to be crushed. Ukraine is part of Russia and today Ukraine has been deceived and is being used against Russia. We want to save Ukraine. In what form (a sovereign state or a region within Russia) is not important to us. This depends on the consciousness of Ukrainians and the will of the Ukrainian government. Ukrainians and Ukraine are not our enemies. The enemies are those who promote the Nazi idea, who are trying to kill all Russians and everything Russian. They constitute less than 3-4% of the total population of Ukraine. But the power is in their hands and they use it to promote hatred of Russians.
I repeat: don’t say “crushes the stinking Ukraine”. For us these are brothers. Like Texas is to Mexico.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726476

William Henry Here you are either mistaken or most likely deliberately lying.
"...pootin targets civilians..." "...keep his attacks on the Ukrainian civilians..." "...genocide of the Ukrainian people..."
- Putin and Russia have never targeted civilians and Ukrainians. Russia only attacks military targets. Ukraine is shooting at civilians. Ukrainians are 2/3 Russians. ALL civilian objects were damaged due to the Ukrainian army. The Ukrainian army used some of the civilian facilities to house troops and equipment and fired from these positions. Mostly civilian targets suffer from Ukrainian air defenses. A Ukrainian missile is trying to shoot down a Russian missile and there are 2 scenarios: 1. the downed Russian missile falls on a civilian object (although it was flying into a military object). 2. A Ukrainian missile misses and hits a residential building. But there are also many cases when Ukrainian troops deliberately shoot at their own residential buildings. Or rather, for them these are not their homes. For example, half of Mariupol was bombed and burned by the Ukrainian military. Residents of Mariupol saw this very well.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361527&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726477