Trump and his “poll numbers.” His whole fake election claims were solely based on poll numbers and, again, we are hearing this in 2024. When you look at a poll report, it is usually less than 1,000 people who have been contacted. The poll researches NEVER indicate what states these individuals come from, whether anything they answer to the “questions” they are asked are factual answers (there is no way to prove an individual is accurately portraying how they will vote). These polls in the last elections have been inaccurate to say the least. Trump believes these polls, his perception of his candidacy is based on these polls. It’s a false narrative. Here we go again.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726761

Steve Stacy Hello handsome.firstly , let me say that I don't usually write random massages like this to strangers,but you are the most lovely and angelic icon I have set my eyes on but there are no words in English language to describe how you are handsome and enticing I think you are, After viewing your profile I just had to write you and ask you to please grant me the opportunity to communicate with you I would be honored to find out whether you are more than just looks and whether your intellect and personality are as breathtaking as your exterior wait for your response ... Add me up here on Facebook let's get to know each other better Hopefully to hear from you soon thank and God bless you just add me here let’s get to know each other better…..hopefully to hear from you soon and God bless you

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726748

Ryan Budman. She has no clue about Trumps financial records. Hicks said she was initially unaware of the deals in 2016 to pay two women, Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, for their silence about alleged sexual encounters with Trump. Hicks testified that she first learned of the payments on Nov. 4, when a Wall Street Journal reporter sent her questions about McDougal, a former Playboy model who received $150,000 from the Enquirer's parent company. The Kangaroo court is making more about the drama of it then the actual crime which is falsifying business records. Which Cohen already served time for

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726759

I am not an attorney, I am a former trucker, carpenter, contractor, Perry Mason Mystery Novel reader......My question to the attorneys, wasn't it not a instrumental part of law, law school, the whole judicial institution that "ethics" were fundamental to the "practice of law", without which, law turns justice into a game of tactics, circular confusion, and no longer an an institution of honesty, but just another arm of secular regulations, a game of skill instead of "truth"?? Doesn't the average layman juror only really understand the picture of the collective facts not obscure pieces, facts that need connection, where lawyers without ethics try to distort.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726770

Chuck Ferrell bless you..7 plus yrs of demo_rats trying to charge him in court just because they can and Trump is not part of their evil plan for the USA...
We have a growing number of edicts from the unhinged, lawless Biden regime that are so blatantly evil, impractical and laughingly unconstitutional that Governors of red states are simply nullifying them. Example: forcing states to allow men on to women's sports teams. Another example: Outlawing gas appliances and vehicles within 5-7 years. Latest example: Biden regime openly threatening to move Palestinian "refugees" (TRANSLATION: terrorists) to red states to swing already rigged elections more in their favor.

The nullification of insane edicts coupled with a refusal to comply is a healthy and necessary development. But as the irrationality continues to escalate in the Imperial City, at what point do red states (and red counties and towns in blue states) simply conclude that it's time to nullify the entire federal government?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726754

Monte Porche and Hillary taking a hammer to her computer and destroying evidence and all she did. And Hunter getting a position in oil companies and made billions for him and Joe while Joe was in white house isn't a crime. One sided BS. Biden also had documents hidden but he is above the law..
And don't say there is no evidence there is but George Soros is controlling the FBI the CIA etc etc.. so demo_rats are getting by with destroying America little by little gullible people you might wake up someday when it is too late... Smh please.
We are little people that the politicians don't give a crap about. Trump isn't a politician and they can't stand it because he is trying to ruin their life of crimes. The demo_rats and Deep State is bigger then you can imagine. Bless your heart

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726752

Hello Everyone!!

Sorry i just want to inform you that STEVE BANNON is not on facebook, you need to be very careful with whoever you come across with on facebook. STEVE BANNON.. is a very nice man with a good heart, lot of things has been going on here on Facebook. I’m a good friend of STEVE BANNON and I don’t like how people impersonate him on facebook with his name, that’s why I’m sending you this message to be careful. If you want to come in contact with him and also tell him how much you love his podcast and shows, click on the link below to send him a direct message. Luckily you might get a response from him.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726756

#GoCompare Trump not answering questions on Gaza and Rafah incursion peace deal. Trump silent on electric car battery charging winter failure. Trump omitted from Boeing $32 billion loss as Birthrate drops but business needs sales transport. Gag Orders working. Which side are they on ? CNN News. 4th May 2024

In other News, Mayor Adams has approved Joby Aviation Air Taxi
https://youtu.be/A1eTYs_AbRc?si=xDg19uhQmzm-yMLz New York gets a Helicopter with multi rotors and parachute Safety.

But in fact the News is less than as interesting for students https://news.sky.com/stor...mpuses-13126641
Go to college, get ignored, have a affidavit and face handicap of looking for weapons and drugs no diverse person never making college, has
A bit like looking for alcohol and drugs for UK van drivers because so few jobs they can afford to have diverse police supervisors lose a few and even advertise medical access, knowing less children or skills, result.
But not if you never learnt to drive.
Is diverse Adams mayor following UK ?

The notion that people taking generations to become industry and travel commercial leaders can be brought down by the less able is not new.

Diverse Obama administration China protectionism policies could have caused covid. Gag Orders from diverse Austin defence secretary would hide that.

Presidents getting America through Covid by keeping the economy would ask where their votes went. If diverse Obama knew what his last three weeks policies achieved against his successor for China poverty, he could be called for Electoral Fraud.

Babbit on Capitol Hill, shot by diverse, Said her children could not afford children under diverse Law. Neither can Columbia students looking for parents support having said after diverse cleverly mp nuclear weapons equivalents UK chaired cobra committee meetings, Hamas entered Israel with tribal Africa Tactics at the heart of caucasian society of families attacked first and now Israel diverse Tel Aviv officers advising the same in Gaza against Palestine.

In neither of these situations has Trump been allowed to speak. People die because democracy is not allowed to work. Students have no job and children, some might not by diverse mayor Adams looking for weapons and drugs.

Trump remains liking women, not prescription for bereavement or alcohol but counselling and paid his idea of what avoiding those two losses, is legally worth to him. The judge and jury, selected for not caring about anything except money for attention, want a medicated or drunk person.

And none of this gets done to diverse.

Go Compare.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726772

Hell no! I don’t support chump! And trump, he’s also a lair, a bully, a hater, a cheater and an immature boy whining about everything, seeking revenge and has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Hypocrisy at its finest. I’ll never
understand how the evangelicals support that kind of garbage. He’s a boy, who embodies all of the seven sins…lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride! And avarice, sadness, vainglory. Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. That is who trump is! Begs and steals money from his delusional cult followers. Couldn’t tell the truth if its life depended on it. He’s also a traitor, misogynist, bigot, racist sociopath. He demands loyalty, but he’s only loyal to himself.
Committed adultery, several times and then sells Bibles and signs them and idiots buy them. He just needs to be locked up permanently!!! He’s a criminal, scoundrel, a narcissistic psychopath, and an embarrassment to the world, and oh how I wish he would get back together with his first wife or leave the country permanently! He sits there complaining about how cold the room is, but doesn’t seem to realize that he’s only there because of the things that he did, but he doesn’t care about how everybody else is feeling and if they’re cold or not because he’s so selfish, he only thinks about himself! And remember that the Gag Order does not stop trump from testifying at his trial he just wants his cult followers to believe that because he is afraid to testify! Maggots stupidity is proof that duct tape can’t fix everything!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726771

Alice Holland Taylor "Hillary taking a hammer to her computer and destroying evidence and all she did"
--From what I understand, those devices were destroyed AFTER everything was transferred to new phones.

" And Hunter getting a position in oil companies and made billions for him and Joe while Joe was in white house isn't a crime."
--No, it isn't. There literally is NO LAW on the books that prohibits a child of any member of government from having a job, even one that is in another country.

" Biden also had documents hidden but he is above the law."
--Yes, he did have documents, but no, he is not above the law. The law is "willful retention of defense information." There are three components to that. 1) Willful, 2) Retention, 3) Defense information. There is no evidence that Joe Biden acted willfully (that means "with intent to break the law). There is no evidence that Joe Biden retained defense information (that means "refused to return it to an employee or agent of the United States")

The current Donald Trump case is very very simple. It all boils down to this simple question: "Did Donald Trump reimburse Michael Cohen for his payment to Stormy Daniels, and then list that reimbursement on his business financial documents a legal retainer income for Michael Cohen?" That's it. That's the entire case.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=361596&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1726760