Dee VT there is hundreds of semi automatic rifles like the AK or AR15 in the market. You only mention AKs because you no nothing about fire arms. The AK used is not an "assault weapon" like they programed you to think. Also i bet you've heard them been called "military stile weapon", it looks like one but is not one, putting big number stickers on a prius doesn't make it a race car. A 9mm or .45 pistol can make the same or more damage, also the AK used and a pistol is one pull one shot. The kid had 90 min to do all he did, the same amount of victims or more could've been done with a musket with all that time.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160763

Matthew Niven No you have missed the whole point haven't you? Yes you can compare as you do it per capita. Homicides happen and they are recorded by type which slightly vary from country to country, but they are comparable, that is how it is done. You really have no idea how statistics work. You just proved that. You have a serious gun problem. And I have just pulled up a map of the US and school shootings. I would say over half of all states have had a school shooting. We have had one in our whole history. That is easily comparable isn't it?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160746

Marisa Binkley Then why doesn't everyone just say that then. Stop trying to talk of what you are ill informed of. And if our society would actually handle these people before they commit these heinous acts there would be far less of them. Funny how FB and Twitter censure conservative voices or take down things that are just opinions or fact check, but left this guy's killing animals on. They also always say they want it safe for everyone so why do they not notify officials when someone threatens an actually says they are going to kill someone instead of just taking the post down if they even do that?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160759

Troy Tubins it was a poorly written bill. The wording in it basically said that anyone deemed a whit supremacist would be evaluated and could have their gun rights revoked. Their current guns could be confiscated also. That’s fine, but let’s look at all the name calling flowing around these days. There’s no definition in the hill as to what a is classified as a white supremacist. It just says anyone “deemed” a white supremacist. So does that mean that they can call me a whit supremacist just so they can take my guns? The wording is too vague and is open for manipulation. That’s just for starters. Lol

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160770

Noah Granmilsame logic?
-cars don’t get in car accidents, people do
-airplanes don’t get in car accidents, people do
-alcohol doesn’t kill people, people kill people

If you take those things away, sure, they won’t happen. Except as a society we decide we need those things. And we made laws to make them harder to do those things in some ways. Cuz society decided they are important.

Where are laws against assault rifles? Where is the “greater good” of these weapons of war?

Don’t bring up politics. Be honest with yourself. What’s the logic about having these weapons around? What greater good does it bring? Why can other tools we use that can cause carnage be regulated and guns can’t?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160758

Many politicians vote according to how they think their constituents want them to vote. Gallup polled Americans recently and reported that majority of people didn’t want stricter gun laws (probably bc the people polled wrongly heard: “do you think you should have the right to bear arms and defend yourself taken away?”. However, no Republican or Democrat I know thinks an 18 year old with history of violence should be able to purchase assault rifles. They need to poll with SPECIFIC questions. That question in a poll would get 99% of Americans agree: NO, 18 year olds should not buy assault weapons. Hopefully then the politicians will wake up and realize they need to vote for stricter laws.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160743

There is no gun culture. All there is are liberals who have an agenda. Guns have always been a part of America. There was a time when teenage boys went to school with a shot gun in the back window of their trucks. Not one of them ever shot up a school. It isn't a gun culture. It is a hate culture. Look at big cities in this country. Hate is making them dangerous. Dispare. Anger. THAT is the culture of America. It's what liberals feed on. Fear. Insecurity. Biden is going to TX to spread fear and hate. Just like he did in Buffalo. No unity. No repairing. NOT what liberals want. Keep people scared. Work on those fears. That way you can keep control over people.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160739

Give me a break. There is a sharp decline in morals. The religious right is outright criminal in their morals.

When we look at mass murders, almost always, it is a straight white male. Very rarely do you see a black dude or a woman or a gay guy. It is always a straight white male.

Look at childhood grooming and pedophilia. This is really going to hurt conservatives and the religious right.

Ask 10000 people that were groomed as children and I can bet that not one of those people were molested by a gay person, not one.

But I will also bet that probably 9950 of them were straight white males.

And 7000-8000 of them were involved in church or the person was molested in a religious environment, be at church, sunday school or even at home doing prayers.

There is no telling when these straight white males and religious folk would touch a child.

At this point, it is given that when there is a shooting it is most likely a republican, and it is based in racism and homophobia, just like the OP. He is in this category.
You cant tell me that he would not want to do something with the moral decay as he sees it.

Now I dont know if the OP would touch a child, but again , he is in that category. He talks like it and he acts the part.

I would say there is a good chance that the OP will be one of these things within the next 10 years.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160765


US Foreign Aid by Country 2022
10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid:

Afghanistan ($4.89 billion)
Israel ($3.3 billion)
Jordan ($1.72 billion)
Egypt ($1.46 billion)
Iraq ($960 million)
Ethiopia ($922 million)
Yemen ($809 million)
Colombia ($800 million)
Nigeria ($793 million)
Lebanon ($790 million)


If all school had equal security as those Politicians. Children would not be kill in school.

Time to suspend all Politicians and their family's Secret Service protection.

Once ALL Politicians has no security and protection as those innocent children, then once a psychotic human wipes out Congress.

Only then Congress will act to protect the most important precious asset of America "Our children"

There is no such thing as Gun laws that would end any gun violence. Criminal never follow any laws reason why they are criminalize.

Only developing and taking defensive measure to protect society is the only course towards, reducing the amount of people killed by gun violence.

As long as Government continues to oppress Americans with Financial deprivation and financial discrimination and financial disabilities on humans, this will result in psychological and physical torment as humans cannot achieve their essential supply they need to experience feeling safe and secure in their life, to maintain their financial privileged life.

To end the financial oppression on America is stop giving tax revenue to support other countries and use the money to provide all low income humans with Financial equality with providing a self sustainable monthly stimulus package.

If Congress taken the following money to help Americans. Americans would not be homeless along with experiencing financial psychological and physical torment .

US Foreign Aid by Country 2022
10 countries that receive the most U.S. foreign aid:

Afghanistan ($4.89 billion)
Israel ($3.3 billion)
Jordan ($1.72 billion)
Egypt ($1.46 billion)
Iraq ($960 million)
Ethiopia ($922 million)
Yemen ($809 million)
Colombia ($800 million)
Nigeria ($793 million)
Lebanon ($790 million)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160761

Lucas, 23

24 Pilatos pronunciou então a sentença que lhes satisfazia o desejo.

25 Soltou-lhes aquele que eles reclamavam e que havia sido lançado ao cárcere por causa do homicídio e da revolta, e entregou Jesus à vontade deles. Mt 27,32-56 = Mc 15,21-41 = Jo 19,17-37)

26 Enquanto o conduziam, detiveram um certo Simão de Cirene, que voltava do campo, e impuseram-lhe a cruz para que a carregasse atrás de Jesus.
27 Seguia-o uma grande multidão de povo e de mulheres, que batiam no peito e o lamentavam.

28 Voltando-se para elas, Jesus disse: “Filhas de Jerusalém, não choreis sobre mim, mas chorai sobre vós mesmas e sobre vossos filhos.

29 Porque virão dias em que se dirá: Felizes as estéreis, os ventres que não geraram e os peitos que não amamentaram!
30 Então, dirão aos montes: Caí sobre nós! E aos outeiros: Cobri-nos!*
31 Porque, se eles fazem isso ao lenho verde, que acontecerá ao seco?”.

23,30. Cobri-nos: suprimido – na vossa queda. Estas palavras são uma citação de Os 10,8.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160738