Authur Morgan right well u take off shoes when u go to the airport because of one guy. Where’s my right to wear shoes (my body my choice but I digress). So, they said - u can wear shoes, but need to remove them to get scanned. Why not make rules to make it harder for people to get guns that don’t deserve it? If you’re an upstanding citizen and negative record and want a gun and then wait a couple weeks to get it after they back ground check you but u can only buy guns that can’t be turned into automatic weapons, or god knows what other countries do that don’t have this issue - what’s the problem?

As per second amendment, please tell me how 2022 and 1776 are similar. Times have changed. Amendments can be amended. You can find ways to satisfy gun ownership but also make things safer.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160766

Such unbiased reporting CNN. Keep it up and nobody will be left to read or watch your news. This is why viewership has tanked in recent months, while Fox news has exploded. Not that I'm a big Fox News fan, but you have to admit that CNN is part of the problem and they have continuously misinformed the public about weapons. They routinely use the term "assault weapons" even though they have been banned since '86, and their general stance on guns is negative, even though it is in the constitution. Pay attention to what is happening CNN, and more importantly, why it is happening.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160740

Justin Denison Perfect I was waiting for someone to say this and ask for a solution, you may want to sit down for this I'm about to hurt some feelings. First off I'm going to crap on presidents current and former. So each year the federal government (Us the tax payers) give funding and aid to schools without setting caveats as to where the money should be allocated. For example under trump we had the covid relief bill for schools to upgrade ventilation and other repairs making children somewhat safer to return from school with covid going on. It rough estimated $1 million per school, do you know what some schools used that money for? Diversity programs, black libraries, studies, specialty counseling, all racial programs. There should have been someone overseeing the spending but nope we just signed off on checks, hell Chicago spent their money giving it to banks to pay off the cities debts. So after we cut all the nonsense spending we're going to increase spending on saftey and security. That is going to include renovations and increased police budget in order to add let's say 1 officer to 100 maybe 200 children depending area and crime rate. In the renovation we need to redesign the class to be a safe/panic room, push a button and the door is magnetically sealed by a bullet proof door and well line the walls with the Kevlar coated plywood. Then I want low visibility metal detectors with silent alarms and an officer at the door at all times with the ability to push a button and lock the whole school down before they make it through the 2nd double door. These are just a start as to what can be done to keep the children safe. Some of these are applicable towards the general public setting but that's going to be on the businesses in to which I'd do a tax credit on and listen to you complain about big business not paying enough in taxes. The solution is there and steps can be taken but we can't agree on semantics and definitions to make any progress. Thanks for taking the time to read my proposal, I'm running for president 2024.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160757

Stop blaming guns video games and such there's a deeper problem.. It is our society.. guns are nothing new.. I am 48 years old I remember guns being in vehicles during hunting season at school students showing off and talking guns to other students and teachers.. We had violent video games and movies we played army as kids.. actually our toy guns back then where actually molds of the real thing...
So we seriously need to stop letting political agenda control our laws.. Let's get to the source violence suicide is getting worse every year.. But you are all following a narrative that is being presented to you buy the media and political affiliation..
Let's stop let's look why the young people in this country are having so many issues..I will tell you there's a problem with many of our young people and that problem has nothing to do with guns!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160760

Marisa Binkley if you say so. The whole problem here is parenting. Not guns, not anything else. Dude had a crackhead mom, got bullied in school, probably never had a father figure or someone to teach him to take up for himself, he was into video games so those are violent in their own rights. He had a history of problems and lived with w convicted felon. Obviously the existing gun laws are not enforceable so making more will accomplish nothing. Place your blame where blame is due, not on an inanimate object that require human interaction to do anything

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160750

Noah Granmilok tell me, why do you personally need guns? I don’t own a gun. Never had the need to use one even. Let’s assume no citizen could have guns other than if they were military or highly regulated. Let’s say the number of guns were a mere miniscule fraction of the US population, while it’s more than the US population now. Would u really need a gun to protect yourself from other guns? We have plenty of countries with laws to regulate guns without the problems in the US.

(I get the desire for guns for hunting. But if u want that, why not be forced to take a course or have stringent back ground checks?)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160764

Marisa Binkley I LOVE triggered ️! Need help with that one way ticket to or ? If so, I’ll contribute to your go fund me to help you! Their ideas and values align so well with yours! Awe, too late sweetie, I’ve already contributed 4 kids to this world that all hold CONSERVATIVE views!

You really want to help these kids? Start providing them with the same protection we provide our politicians, celebrities, banks, etc. and provide armed security/police to all schools and secure all school buildings!

There is $40 BILLION we could start with, if you really want to “help the children”. But libs don’t ever want to actually help, they just like to virtue signal and blame inanimate objects!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160762

Marisa Binkley Perfect thanks. So in your definition you crammed 2 separate things into one. A battle rifle is dedicated to military use only and unless properly licensed it is impossible for civilians to own. The Armalite was originally introduced to the civilian market as a sporting rifle that was modified for the military later picked up and adopted to for standard issue. Now my semi 30-06 is a semiautomatic magazine fed primarily designed for deer hunting, magazine fed and quick shooting. My competition rifle is a 5.56 modified semiautomatic designed for sport/target, magazine fed and quick shooter. They could be interchangeable at the drop of a dime. Hell I have a magazine fed semiautomatic 12 gauge shotgun, quick reload and a quick shooter. If you did your own research instead of regurgitating information from people without knowledge thar act on feelings and not facts you would see the holes in your argument. The question is how do we get those people that miss use the tool for evil not to.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160747

Patrick Henry yes because schools being set up like jails is a perfectly normal environment for children to learn in. Why don’t we throw in barbed wire fences too? And snipers on the rooftop while we’re at it. Also, you’re slow if you think I’m in favor of living under a totalitarian regime all I said was that if the government wanted to take your guns and life there’s nothing that you 2nd amendment fanatics could do, so the “we need guns to protect ourselves from the government” is a mute point. And they would do so using the same military that you probably love and support

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160751

Noah Granmilsurely there are those and many who call for no guns or massive overhaul. And I can see why that would upset those who have gone above and beyond like you to be responsible.

Part of it comes to different belief systems about guns etc. and those are hard to break or mend on either side. What is a problem in my opinion that is unrelated to those that want no guns whatsoever is that there has been a lot of unrolling of past laws that were there to at least try as they will to reduce risk. Texas reduced gun laws for the ideas of good guy with a gun etc. Why are laws being repealed rather than strengthened while still keeping in line and satisfying some of the desires of the pro gun individuals?

You’ve made concessions. You spent a lot of time and money to be responsible. But lots of people won’t do that. And if they won’t, and it leads to harm, then everyone suffers.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251805&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160769