Alice Holland Taylor LMAO. Oh boy. So the issue you have is clearly that you are misinformed and have not bothered to become informed. Moreover people like you that just sit here and propagate misinformation demonstrate that you are not doing anything to be a part of the solution to help vets or the homeless. If you were, you'd know the various programs that are available.

Let's start with the first nonsense comment. You think undocumented people get federal benefits? How do you not understand that's logistically impossible? And worse, all it says is that you're jealous and want socialism.

As for our government helping people. You people seem to have trouble with the idea that our government can do more than one thing at a time. There are any number of programs for the homeless, and funding for those programs. And yes, they have provided housing to homeless people and vets. Vets even qualify for VA loans to buy homes and get housing assistance. Not to mention welfare, medical programs, food and energy assistance, etc.

Then there's the fact that you live in North Carolina. You have zero first hand knowledge of what's happening in Texas, choosing instead to blindly regurgitate easily refused nonsense, thinly veiled racism.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704518

Texas, California part of Arizona were all part of Mexico. Nobody is illegal they were here first people forget to remember this native Americans were here first and what do we do to them we persecute them. It looks like to me Republicans if they could would get rid of every brown person in the United States, and every black person like Texas says, and like Tennessee says, let’s make America white again. Tennessee actually has a sign as you cross the border. The Cubans in Florida have so much respect, especially they respect mothers. I love the treatment I received when I went to Florida 10 years ago. I would never go back to Florida. Left south padre will never go back there either as a medical provider maybe it’s time for us to start choosing and only serve the brown and Black people.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704511

Steven Edmond I firmly believe that the Republican party exists in name only. Political historians will absolutely say as much. As far as my own leanings, I'm a New Deal Democrat, through and through. I honestly wish there was a legitimate conservative party interested in governing; the Constitution is designed to find the *compromise* solution to an issue, not the "best" solution, and I think that's critical to a healthy, pluralistic representative democracy. Unfortunately, we don't have that. Democrats want to talk about building a technology economy that will survive an AI revolution, while Republicans are like, "Hey, wouldn't it be neat if we ignored elections?"

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704526

Matt Linville - US Code makes it illegal for ANY non-citizen to vote for federal office, including for president, vice president, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Federal law specifies that non-citizens are allowed to vote for other offices IF they’re allowed to “under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance.”
No state grants noncitizens the right to vote in statewide elections, such as those for governor.
Municipalities can expand voting rights in local elections if there are no explicit state constitutional or legislative impediments and so long as local jurisdictions have the power of home rule - per Joshua Douglas, an election and voting rights expert.
Try and use those rusty God given neurons as you sound like you have a 4th grade education.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704523

Jay Corry Why is that number important to you? YOUR kind doesn't care about number. Biden is old by any standard. HE was old when you elected him and he gets older each day. When Biden took office America had ended the war and all Biden needed to do was get the hell out. HE was late in doing that and 13 Americans died, hundrends were injured, and many still remain. And today Americ is funding two of Biden's wars. When Biden took office America we had no INFLATION and everything cost less than it does today costing EACH American family over $12,000 more each year to live. When Biden took office America didn't have 8, 10, or 12 million NEW illegals in America because Trump had allowed them to enter. Happy Easter!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704531

Rich Wojtczak Inflation plummeted from about 9%, to its current rate of 3.2%, under failure trump it hit 2.3% which gives us a massive difference of 0.9%. Any rational adult will tell you that regardless of what right wing propaganda is saying that a border that has 24,000 Border Patrol, over 3,000 troops, has a higher arrest rate than the previous administration, a lower release rate than the previous administration, and an increase in deportations, is by definition not "open". Do you just enjoy being wrong? Gas prices are about where they were under failure trump in April of 2019. The President is not responsible for mortgage rates. Your post proves yet once again that mindless trump supporters are the most misinformed and uninformed people on the planet.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704529

Bob Rayburn have you forgotten
Trump left the country in an absolute mess.

Job loss was 2.9 million, unemployment was 6.3%, negative -3.5% GDP for the first time since 1946, three of his four years in office there were record trade and budget deficits. Factory jobs were in decline before the pandemic. Two of the longest Government shutdowns in US history. Over 3,000 Americans were dying everyday. Trump never created a federal Covid or vaccination plan. His own Generals stated he was "unfit" for office. Many economist are blaming Trump's failed tariffs for contributing to inflation. Trump negotiated a “surrender” agreement with the Taliban. His troop withdrawal from Turkey caused hundreds of Kurds to slaughtered. Gas prices went up because it was Trump who signed a two year agreement with the Saudi’s to cut oil production by 10 millions barrels a day. The the first time in US history we did not have a peaceful transfer of power. Shall we even mention Jan 6th?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704528

Shane A. Callcut I don't see one on your house,I'll be over to move in,make a room ready.
You ever hear of diplomacy? Or you fine NOT helping another country out so their citizens don't leave? Of course you don't want their country safe or you'd have nothing to whine about.
Now can you answer my simple questions instead of deflecting? Show me where jumping a border fence in the middle of the night is a legal way to enter a country.And why don't you want the environment improved in their own country? Also answer why national security at the borders means so little you.
You using common core idiocy or is it just natural? I'll let you get back to your coloring book....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704530

If these people have no Visas and no Immigration Status according to the law. The Federal Government might as well disarm and disband the Texas National Guard. You people about to have us go to war with Russia. The people of Texas should vote that our National Guard will not supplement the defense of any border or treaty in Europe, nor will the state support any part of the Selective Service. This ballot should have how asylum works, the processes, the conditions and the responsibilities of government. I think every state should have this on their own ballots. Democracy, we got more people in our states, our population subverts the power of Congress.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704510

Any law enforcement can arrest any person, anywhere in the state they "suspect" may have crossed the border illegally. And any judge can immediately deport them to Mexico, even if they are from an different part of the world. This is not applicable just within 100 miles from the border. This applies throughout the state.
Most of the big cities like Houston have large legal immigrant populations. The law would require every immigrant to always carry and be able to present papers to law enforcement to protect themselves from arrest, to prove they're here legally. This would include nationalized American citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, people with work and education visas, and tourists from other countries. What could go wrong?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357686&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704512